Student's temporary Car Insurance

Student's temporary Car Insurance

Higher education already comes with its fair share of costs, so adding expensive car insurance to the list is something no student wants to do.

Student's temporary Car Insurance Quotes

Temporary Learner Driver Insurance

With the increasing cost of driving lessons with instructors means that private lessons are usually a more affordable option. But as with all drivers, you need to have the right insurance, if you want to practice in a friend or relative’s car, to do so.

Temporary Learner Driver Insurance Quotes

Student's Temporary Car Insurance

Cover4Insurance in association with —


Higher education already comes with its fair share of costs, so adding expensive car insurance to the list is something no student wants to do.

While many students leave their car at home while away at university, it’s often the case that they’re still paying out annual car insurance, whether on their own vehicle or as named driver on a parents policy.

On average, young drivers (17 to 24-years-old) drive less than half the distance than those aged 25 and over with only around 10% of those being students who drive to a place of education*.

It’s safe to say that if you’re away at university, you’re not likely to drive very much, if at all.

Given that most students are young, inexperienced drivers and the risks that come with that, finding cheap car insurance is unrealistic.

You’re probably going to being paying out thousands of pounds worth of cover when you’re actually only going to be driving a few weeks a year.

That being said, while you may not want to pay out for a years’ worth of cover, it’s more than likely that you’ll want to be able to get around during the holidays.

It’s often said that you can’t have the best of both worlds but with temporary car insurance for university students, you really can.

Temporary Learner Driver Insurance

Cover4Insurance in association with —

With the increasing cost of driving lessons with instructors means that private lessons are usually a more affordable option. But as with all drivers, you need to have the right insurance, if you want to practice in a friend or relative’s car, to do so.

Learning to drive in a familiar vehicle and at your own pace, normally you would have to be added to the existing cover of the owner’s or purchase an annual learner driver policy.

Though these options often can be pricey, because of the little or no driving experience most learner drivers have.

A temporary learner driver insurance policy is one way to bring the cost of insuring a learner driver with cover that suits your own particular requirements.

Cover is available from just 1 day up to 3 months at a time, so whether you need that last bit of practice before your test or you’re getting behind the wheel for the first time, you can select a policy duration that fits your needs.