Exhibitor Liability Insurance

Exhibitor Liability Insurance

  • Exhibitors.
  • Christmas markets.
  • Conferences.
  • Stall holders.
  • Multiple events.
  • Shows.
Exhibitor Liability Insurance Quotes

Event Liability Insurance

  • One time event.
  • Multiple events.
  • Hot food/caterers.
  • Dog shows.
  • Festivals.
  • Street parties.
Event Liability Insurance Quotes

Street Party Insurance

Liability insurance should be obtained, for a street event, even if your local council doesn't insist on it; the organisers of the event can be held legally responsible, for damage to property and/or injury to people.

Street Party Insurance Quotes

Request A Call–Back

If you would like to discuss your exhibitor's insurance requirements, you can request a call-back and talk to one of our advisors.

Alternatively you can call us on
0161 772 3382

Exhibitor's Insurance — Request A Call–Back

Exhibitor Liability Insurance

The Risks

Anyone can potentially be a claimant if they trip or slip whilst at your stand, either during the exhibition or during the setup and breakdown of your stand. Who pays if you are liable for damage to another stand or exhibit, or serious damage to the venue?

Being more aware of their legal rights and more willing to pursue them, people will most likely sue for damages to seek compensation in the event of personal injury and or damage to their property. It can be expensive to lose a legal action.

All businesses need liability insurance - exhibitors are no exception.

Liability Insurance Sections

The liability cover in event assured exhibitor express is designed specifically to cover exhibitors and provides some of the widest cover on the market.

Key Features include:

  • Public Liability cover £5m throughout the range†.
  • Optional Employers Liability £10 million.
  • 3 currency options - £, € and $.
  • Indemnity to directors and employees.
  • Contractual liability and indemnity to principal.
  • Liability for damage to venues.
  • Indemnity to venue owners or operators.
  • Employer's Liability is available Europe-wide.

†£10m available via our offices.

Exhibitor Cancellation and Disruption Insurance

Your Exhibit is at Risk

The cost of attending an exhibition is expensive, with the price of the stand, accommodation, transportation, marketing and advertising to consider. All this expenditure could beput at riskif you are prevented from attending the exhibition due to circumstances beyond your control. And if the worst happens and the exhibition organisers are forced to cancel the event, who will compensate you beyond the basic stand cost?

What type of things can happen to disrupt an exhibition?

The list below shows some the disruption causes, all of which have happened at one time or another:

  • An accident involving vehicles transporting stands and exhibits to the show.
  • Serious damage to business premises causing loss of displays
  • The venue may not be available due to damage by fire, storm etc.
  • The failure of key utilities or equipment such as power, heating, lighting, sound, kitchens, toilets, fire safety equipment, all of which have the potential to make the venue unavailable.
  • Denial of access to the venue by emergency services.
  • Terrorism leading to closure of transport or denial of access.
  • Adverse weather conditions disrupting road, rail, air, and sea transport, or affecting outdoor events.
  • Strikes causing disruption to scheduled rail or airline services.
  • Outbreaks of infectious diseases leading to quarantine or restricted access.
  • Outbreaks of civil disorder - riots. This may also have indirect effects, for example by causing denial of access.
  • National mourning which can lead to closure of venues.
  • Inability to leave the venue at the planned time, which might incur penalties.
  • Even volcanic eruptions in Europe - need we say more?
  • There are other examples, and you may well have had difficult situations in your own events.

What is at Stake?

You could lose or have pay out some or all of the following:

  • All the expenses you have incurred in taking part in the exhibition.
  • Additional costs which might be incurred.
  • Penalties for not vacating the venue on time.
  • The cancellation and disruption section of event assured exhibitor express provides some of the widest cover on the market.
  • Key features include:
  • Wide definition of Disruption includes cancellation, curtailment, rearrangement including to another time or place.
  • Extra Cover © provides valuable additional cover in key areas of additional expenses.
  • No inner limits.
  • No deductibles on event insurance cover.
  • Free terrorism cover included.
  • National mourning cover included in Europe.

Exhibition Property Insurance - All Risks

Your Stand and Exhibits are at Risk

The property used on stands ranges from the specialist exhibits, the computers down to the tables and chairs. Some of this may be hired under hire contracts which make you responsible for the equipment, and possibly loss of hire charges to the owners should the items be lost or damaged and out of use.

It is important to buy cover on the correct basis and to select a sum insured which is sufficent to pay for the cost of replacement.

Please note that in common with other exhibitor insurance policies, Event Assured Exhibitor Express property cover in standard form is not suitable for fine art, antiques, collectibles and the like where "replacement as new" is clearly inappropriate - a different basis of valuation is required. If you need to cover this type of property, please talk to us first.

Event Property (All Risks) Section

Key Features include:

  • Covers event property owned, borrowed or hired for the exhibition.
  • Includes transit to, from and whilst at the exhibition including loading and unloading.
  • Reinstatement "new for old" basis of cover.
  • Terrorism cover included.
  • Loss of hire charges cover up to 25% of the value for hired equipment.
  • Damage to Venue up to £50,000.