Street Party Insurance

Street Party Insurance

Liability insurance should be obtained, for a street event, even if your local council doesn't insist on it; the organisers of the event can be held legally responsible, for damage to property and/or injury to people.

Street Party Insurance Quotes

Exhibitor Liability Insurance

Anyone can potentially be a claimant if they trip or slip whilst at your stand, either during the exhibition or during the setup and breakdown of your stand.

Exhibitor Liability Insurance Quotes

Event Liability Insurance

Potentiallly, anyone who falls, trips or slips at your event could become a claimant. If serious damage is caused to the venue, who pays you are liable?

Event Liability Insurance Quotes

Street Party Insurance

The Risks

Liability insurance should be obtained, for a street event, even if your local council doesn't insist that you have it, this does not mean, people organising the event cannot be held legally responsible, for people property damaged or injury sustained at your street party. It is still worth considering cover.

Club or association insurances may not extend to outdoor events for example, so do not assume it is already covered.

During your event and whilst it is being set up and broken down, anyone who falls, trips or slips; could possibly make a claim against you, so ensure adequate insurance cover is in place.

If a volunteer gets injured, would they sue you? They could be held personally liable if someone gets injured as the result of something they do whilst helping out at the event.

In these more litigious times People are more aware of and used to exercising their legal rights, and pursuing legal action for compensation for injury or damage to their property. It can be expensive to lose a legal action. Reforms to the legal system and a claimant-friendly legal environment mean that awards for personal injury continue to rise.

All of the issues outlined and more need to be addressed and can be by a decent event insurance policy. Every body needs liability insurance - organisers of street parties are no exception.

Liability Insurance Sections

The liability cover in event assured street party provides some of the widest cover on the market.

Key Features include:

  • Public liability cover - choice of £1m or £5m cover.
  • Optional employers liability £10 million.
  • Includes cover for club or association members and officers.
  • Includes cover for Volunteers.
  • For companies, includes cover for directors and employees.
  • Includes Indemnity to venue owners or operators.

Street Party Cancellation and Disruption Insurance

Large or small events require a lot of organising, and the costs soon mount up. All the money earmarked for food, drink and equipment hire etc is at risk if the party you are holding is prevented from taking place due to causes beyond your control.

So what causes may arise to disrupt a street party?:

  • An accident involving vehicles.
  • Denial of access to the venue by emergency services.
  • Adverse weather conditions making it dangerous to proceed.
  • National mourning.
  • Death of or serious illness of a key person featured in the event.

What is at Stake?

You could lose or have pay out some or all of the following:

  • All the expenses you have incurred in staging the event.
  • Additional costs which might be incurred

The cancellation and disruption section of event assured street party provides some of the widest cover on the market.key features include:

  • Wide definition of disruption includes cancellation, curtailment, rearrangement including to another time or place.
  • No inner limits.
  • No deductibles on event insurance cover.

Street Party Property Insurance - All Risks

Event Property is at Risk

Property used at street parties ranges from tables and chairs to marquees, bunting, sound equipment and more. Some of this may be hired under hire contracts which make you responsible for the equipment, and possibly loss of hire charges to the owners should the items be lost or damaged and out of use.

It is important to buy cover on the correct basis and to select a sum insured which is sufficient to pay for the cost of replacement.

The all risks property section of event assured street party provides a comprehensive cover for your street party.

Key Features include:

  • Covers event property owned, borrowed or hired for the event.
  • Includes transit to, from and whilst at the event including loading and unloading
  • Reinstatement "new for old" basis of cover provide the sum insured represents the full value of property at risk.
  • Loss of hire charges cover up to 25% of the value for hired equipment.
  • Standard cover of £2000 - buy tailored cover if you need more than this.